Who Gets the Glory for Your Tools?

I was all excited about writing my mother’s story. It had all my focus. I was going to be a writer. And then I sold my first painting for a thousand dollars. It was a dream come true! I set “Susie’s Story” aside and it lay dormant while I forged ahead with my art career.

Now, any writing I did was focused on art. I wrote an opinion column in an art magazine, a weekly featured artists article in another; I even did a monthly art news report on the local TV station. We set up an art gallery, art supply store and framing business. It looked very promising.

Even my mother encouraged us in the business. She said I didn’t need to write her story. But, was that what God wanted? Maybe He knew that I had to go through the process of promoting Carol the artist and fail before He could actually use me to write a story that He would be able to use to change lives.

Bruce knew he was supposed to be preaching, not running a business, yet he wanted to give me a chance with my art. He was proud of me, and besides he was a businessman and was sure that an Art business would be the perfect venture for him. It only took about a year for Gray Bruce Art World to collapse. Without God’s blessing, no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t succeed. Bruce was ready to answer God’s call, and I had learned a valuable lesson.

When God eventually reminded me of the Book I had never finished, I was hesitant. “Lord,” I said, “I have done enough of promoting Carol the artist. I don’t ever want to get back on that ego trip again.”

That night as I opened my Bible, my eyes fell on the verses in Psalms 78:1-7

Give ear, O My people, to My law: incline your ears to the words of My mouth. I will open My mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come, the praises of the Lord, and His strength, and His wonderful works that He hath done. For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children: That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments:”

I knew that my mother’s story was like a parable that would help teach her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and maybe even other folks, young or old, to hope in God and keep his commands. I talked to my husband about it. “Look at it this way,” he said. “Your paintings didn’t do a whole lot to point people to Christ. Your mother’s story could.” I agreed.

That first book, Susie’s Story, was the start of a ministry that was part of the calling God had for me. It was never really a business; I give more books away than I sell. And it didn’t set me on an ego trip. It could have if I hadn’t gone through that experience with my paintings. But I know now, that the gifts God gives a person are totally part of God’s grace, and are given as tools to be used for the body of Christ.

Whether we are artists or writers or scientists or cleaning ladies, God has gifted each of us with certain tools to be used for His honor and glory. How dare we try to use those tools to bring that honor and glory to ourselves instead of Him!

For the previous post see: ttps://christianindiebooks.com/blog/uncategorized/oh-no-not-that-song-again-but-wait/

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