Atonement and Reconciliation

On what basis can a holy God forgive sin?

Author: Kevin George
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Categories: eBooks, PaperbackGenres: Bible Doctrine

God sent His only Son, who initiated a blood covenant that requires that we release our bondage to sin. Those who accept this blood covenant and act on their faith in a righteous God are thereby set right (justified), and this is demonstrated because they repent and remove sin from their lives, and then call on God for forgiveness, desiring reconciliation. God will then be merciful to them, grant their request, and favor them with eternal life. Forgiveness and reconciliation are not earned by any work on man’s part, as final salvation is a mercy that is graciously granted by God, bestowed on those who seek Him and do right. In short, “In every nation, anyone who [1] fears him and [2] does what is right is acceptable to him” Acts 10:35.

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